How do I become a member of the Marlton Rec Council?
If you have a child enrolled in one sport, you as parent are a member of the Marlton Rec Council. Our General Meetings are open to the public, our members are volunteers, and changes as our children grow into and then out of the program.
When do sports registrations take place?
Registrations take place the same time every year. Spring Sports register in January. Summer and Fall Sports Register in April. Winter Sports Register in September. A Schedule with the exact dates will be posted on the Website approximately 2 weeks before registrations begin. See "registration" link and/or calendar.
How can I become a voting member of the MRC?
If you have or have had a child playing in the MRC and wish to cast a vote at any of our meetings the criteria is that you must have attended 6 regular, general body meetings during the last year (that would be 6 of 6, 6 of 12, etc), and sign in at the end of the meeting.
Where can I find out about officiating opportunities?
We use our own people (former or current players in Jr and Sr high school) who have played in the MRC to officiate the little ones, (2-5th graders, for example). You can find out more information, as it is usually posted on the web for your viewing a month ahead of time. Or you can call 988-4432 and leave a message.
How do I link to my team from the Rec council Website?
Mail your URL to the email address below, If you have a legitimate website, we will link it up. Sports coordinators may provide links to third party sites to aid our members in the search of camps, clinics and or other instructional resources.
How old does my child need to be to play sports?
Soccer birthday eligibility cut off date is July 31. Soccer begins at age 3 (tot). Baseball birthday eligibility cut off date is April 30. Baseball (T-Ball) begins at age 5. Softball birthday eligibility cut off date is January 1. Softball begins age 5. Roller Hockey eligibility cut off date is December 31. Roller Hockey begins at age 5. Street Hockey and Wrestling birthday eligibility cut off date December 31 and starts age 4. Football is by weight, but 5 and up start in the 70 lb and under league. Track eligibility birthday October 1. Track begins at age 5. Girls/Boys basketball, girls/boys lacrosse Volleyball, field hockey and cheerleading eligibility by grade September current year. If a player turns 18 and is still in High School, they may require special permission to play, depending upon the sport, but in most cases, they will remain eligible.
How do I get qualified to coach?
All of our coaches must attend a safety clinic and be re-certified every 3 years. Other separate coaches clinics are provided by the respective sport to provide instruction and guidance to the novice coach. Any coach participating with the youth teams must have his/her certification card with them, or be able to provide it in a reasonable amount of time. All prospective coaches are approved by the executive board.
My child isn't getting a fair amount of playing time, what should I do?
All children should get in the game regardless of their skill level, and the aim of the MRC is to provide a fun, rewarding environment to play. Rotating time on the sidelines is required, and if you feel that your child is consistently sitting out most of the game, or more than twice as much as the player who is sitting out the least, then speak to the coach. If that doesn't yield results, then go to the league coordinator, and then the sport's commissioner. Over the course of a game a good rule of thumb for playing time is this: The player on the team who gets the most playing time should NEVER get more than twice as much time as the player seeing the LEAST amount of time, and we expect that over the course of a season, this ratio should even out to at most 1.2 to 1 (i.e. the player getting the most should get no more than 20% more than the player getting the least). If a child never gets in the game, that child will not get the same opportunity to contribute, and will eventually quit. (feel free to print this out, hand it to the coach and tell them to point their web browser to http://www.marltonreccouncil.org/id23.htm)
How can I contribute to the improvement of youth sports?
There are lots of ways. First, you can attend MRC General Meetings (see calendar). By coming to the meetings, you can join a committee and help in a way that you find comfortable. We are an almost 100% volunteer organization. You can contribute to the united way and ask to support the Marlton Recreation Council, or you can contact our Director of Finance (See the contact us link at the left).
I am interested in fundraising for my child's team. How does that work?
All fundraising issues must get the approval of the finance director, and the specific sports committee. We are governed by law and are a non-profit organization. Check with your sports coordinator, for specifics, or click on the "contact us" link on the side bar.